Perceptual Grouping
Exploit Gestalt laws for perceptual grouping of contour primitives
within a grouping hierarchy using Markov Random Fields. Additionally,
region information is integrated and dynamic issues of image sequences
are treated.
Mosaic Images - AViSMo
Architecture for Visual Scene Memory based on Mosaics -
Compact visual iconic and symbolic representation of image sequences to facilitate efficient scene exploration.
Includes robust mosaicing techniques, motion analysis to handle dynamic scenes, varying resolution of image data, and fusion of
data from different abstraction levels.
Protein Docking
Predict position and strength of protein-protein interactions
from known 3D structures for the rigid and flexibe case.
Microarray data
Use microarray data monitoring mRNA expression levels
to identify genes related to the phenomenon under consideration,
to classify different cell types, or to
detect similar time-varying expression patterns.
Minirhizotron images
Automatic analysis of minirhizotron images of root systems
to aid the investigation of environmental factors for
the develoment of plants.
Amperometric biosensors
Analysis of amperometric signals from biosensors using Hidden Markov
Models to determine the concentration of various analyts.